Unclaimed Dividend / Redemption Amount
Check the Unclaimed Dividend / Redemption Amount by entering your Folio Number below.
Folio Number
Check Your Unclaimed Dividend / Redemption Amount In Following Schemes :
Magnum Rising Income Scheme
1987 (MRIS-87)Magnum Tax Saving Scheme
1988-89 (MTSS-88)Magnum Rising Income Scheme
1989 (MRIS-89)Magnum Monthly Income Scheme
1989 (MMIS-89)Magnum Rising Income Scheme
1990 (MRIS-90)Magnum Equity Linked Savings Scheme
1991 (MELS-91)Magnum Monthly Income Scheme
1991 II (MMIS-91)Magnum Triple Plus
1991 (MTPL-91)Magnum Express Scheme
1991 (MEXP-91)Magnum Growing Inv From Tax Savings Scheme
1992 A (GIFTS-A)Magnum Rising Income Scheme
1993 (MRIS-93)Magnum Bond Fund
1994 (MBF-94)Magnum Equity Linked Savings Scheme
1996 (MELS-96)Magnum Monthly Income Scheme
1998 (II) (MMIS-98)Magnum Growing Inv From Tax Savings Scheme
1992 B (GIFTS-B)Magnum Tax Profit Scheme
1994 (MTPS-94)Magnum Equity Linked Savings Scheme
1995 (MELS-95)Magnum Tax Saving Scheme
1990 (MTSS-90)For All Other Schemes(CAMS), Click Here
Process To Claim The Unclaimed Dividend / Redemption Amounts:
Investor has to submit request for UDRS (unclaimed Dividend & Redemption) units. The form for claiming unclaimed amount can be Downloaded From Here OR simple request letter for claiming of unclaimed units can also be submitted at any of our Branches.
To process the claim, bank account details are mandatory. Investors are requested to get the bank account updated in their folio, if not updated already.
Request would be processed with the NAV as on the date of receipt of the request.
Payment will be made on T+3.
TDS as applicable would be deducted on capital gains, if any, earned by the investor, if the investor is an NRI.
